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  • 1.  TEAMWORK:  21st Century Developers biggest assets, in this industry, are its people who work hard and consistently  focused to make a difference. We therefore foster teamwork in all that we do to achieve the desired goals with positive results.[ See Relationships Below]


  • 2. INTEGRITY:  21st Century Developers remains true to our core and deeply rooted values of quality, honesty and accomplishments  well above average expectations.


  • 3. COMMITMENT:  21st Century Developers will always be proactive in finding lasting value added solutions to best address our clients primary needs and priority goals.


  • 4. RELATIONSHIPS:  21st Century Developers goal is to always develop lasting and unique relationships, business and personal, with our clients, communities and countries where we work. [To this end: 21st Century Developers Kenya, Limited, a local Kenya company was made operational in January 2017 comprised of four Kenyan professional and partners from 21st Century Developers.] A goal we plan on repeating in other countries as we move forward with this initiative.



21st CD's Core Values:

                                                                                            EAST AFRICA INITIATIVE

                                                                                                                                      KENYA * UGANDA 

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