Master Planning & Facility Assessments

Developing Residential & Commerical Projects
21st Century Developers look for appropriate opportunities by which we can partner with local governments, businesses, private clients and others to assist in bringing about positive changes for individual sites, large scale land areas and other combinations. Development services range from simple to the complex based on size and overall project scope. We bring a multi-faceted approach to getting the deals done and the projects completed and occupied.
21st Century Developers offer planning expertise for any size project development. This planning can begin at initiation of the idea of an project through the design and costing out of it overall feasibility to final implementation and tenants occupancy, should that be required.
Planning of mixed use developments involving residential with commerical structures is part of our portfolio and we excel at these challenging projects.
21st Century Developers brings to our clients the possibilities of a variety of funding options, when addressing the feasibility of projects. We have the ability to offer our services, in the project planning stages, to determine how reasonably and effective the projects can be financed in order to obtain the end results envisioned.
Financing arrangements can mean many different things and look many different ways, we offer our international expertise in thinking through how to make projects happen at manageable costs within or under budget.
21st Century Developers consistently investigates and adds to it tool bank systematic processes, effective techniques, creative approaches, appropriate partnering with others who bring forth advance systems to play, which can better benefit our clients, the proposed solutions, and their projects.
Quality of construction and being cost effective always drives how we analyze the projects and what building system would be most beneficial, to each, based on their budgets and projected completion schedules.

Financing Options & Scenarios

Affordable Building Systems & Techniques
21st Century Developers brings to any project a long history of successfully addressing challenges and objectives that , when met, allows for the overall success that is clearly planned and expected. The following is an outline of experience sectors that we can offer to make any project accomplish its goals and objectives in a most organized and cost effective manner: